Video Library

Find videos to help you navigate plans, understand benefits, and access care.

Care Management

Understand more about the Care Management team. A team of professionals that can be an advocate for you and help guide you through the healthcare system, and so much more.

Preventive Care

Learn about the importance of preventive care and how to choose a Primary Care Provider.


Learn About My Plan

Insurance 101 thumbnail

Insurance 101

Learn about common health insurance terms and how to get the most out of your healthcare coverage.
Provider Directory thumbnail

Provider Directory

Whether you need a primary care provider, specialist, pharmacy, or other healthcare facility, the Provider Directory helps you easily find what you're looking for in a few simple steps.
Thumbnail for using data and technology to stay healthy

Using data and technology to stay healthy

Preventive care is so important to stay on top of, and now more interesting because technology helps us understand our health better. Fitness trackers and phones can monitor our activity daily. This makes it easier for people to stay engaged with their health. Learn more in this video from Dr. Laurel Soot – Chief Medical Officer at Providence Health Plan.
Thumbnail for the practice of self compassion part 1

The practice of self-compassion (Part 1)

Having a good relationship with yourself is important for your mental and emotional health. It helps you handle stress, make better decisions, and have good relationships with others. Being kind to yourself, called self-compassion, is a big topic now and can make you happier and more resilient. Learn more in this video from Lael Petersen – Social Worker at Providence Hospital.
The practice of self-compassion part 2

The practice of self-compassion (part 2)

Having a good relationship with yourself is important for your mental and emotional health. It helps you handle stress, make better decisions, and have good relationships with others. Being kind to yourself, called self-compassion, is a big topic now and can make you happier and more resilient. Learn more in this video from Lael Petersen – Social Worker at Providence Hospital. thumbnail


Learn about all the tools and resources available to help manage your health plan on
Preventive Care

Preventive Care

Learn about the importance of preventive care and how to choose a Primary Care Provider.
Care Management

Care Management

Understand more about the Care Management team. A team of professionals that can be an advocate for you and help guide you through the healthcare system, and so much more.
Medical Home

Medical Home

Learn what a Medical Home is and how to select one.
Accessing Care

Accessing Care

Learn all of the care options you have available to you, how to choose which one is right for you and how best to access it.
Pharmacy Benefits


Understand your pharmacy benefits and how you can conveniently get the medication you need, while saving money.
After enrollment

What to Expect After Enrollment

Learn about what to expect once you've enrolled in your Providence Medicare Advantage plan.
When you turn 65

Medicare 101

Learn all about the basics of Medicare including when to enroll and coverage options.
Medicare Part D Prescription Drug Coverage

Medicare's Extra Help Program

If you make less than $22,590 per year, find out how Medicare's Extra Help Program can help you pay for prescriptions.
D-SNP is a type of Medicare Advantage plan

What is a D-SNP?

If you're eligible for both Medicare and Medicaid, learn how a D-SNP plan can give you more coverage and benefits.
Prescription Drug Coverage

Pharmacy Basics - Part D Prescriptions

Learn the basics of Medicare Advantage plans with Part D prescription drug coverage so you can make the most of your health plan's benefits.
When you turn 26 birthday cake

Moving off a Parent's Health Plan

Turning 26? What to do when you are no longer able to stay on your parent or guardian's health plan.

When To Enroll

Working past age 65

Working Past 65

If you're planning to work past 65, learn about the best time to enroll in Medicare.
Plan Ahead

Medicare Enrollment Periods

Find out when you should enroll in Medicare.
When you turn 26 birthday cake

Moving off a Parent's Health Plan

Turning 26? What to do when you are no longer able to stay on your parent or guardian's health plan.
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